I am changing, in the most positive way.


What does this really mean?

It is the realization, understanding, and belief that you are always growing in the most positive way.

Why is this so?

Whenever we find that we have dedicated our time, energy and focus on bettering ourselves from the inside-out (as opposed to trying to change things on the outside such as people, circumstances, experiences etc.) we should be confident that we are on the right path. After all, our reality is just a reflection of us on the inside.

How can I apply this information to get the results I want?

Well firstly, I must congratulate you…You are already on the road to positive change! Wherever you may be in your journey and whatever path you chose to take makes no difference here. The fact that you are taking the time and effort to read a blog that is dedicated to unlocking your true potential to create the life that you want should be your ultimate proof!

Secondly, I believe that there are so many paths you can take to better yourself and create your ideal world. It really depends on who you are as a person and what your desired result is. Once you’ve acknowledged that the power of change resides within you, the Universe will move mountains and align stars to help you find your path. And you will find it. I also believe however, and this part is very important, that choosing to live your life based on truth, honesty and integrity is the only way to achieve true and timeless success/ happiness.

You and only you will know what’s best for you. Once you’ve started the journey of unlocking the power of YOU, you should automatically know that you are changing in the most positive way. Once you affirm and begin to believe that you are “changing in the most positive way” – things will start happening! Doors will start opening, secrets of life begin unraveling, confusing times turn into AH-HA moments of clarity and the stepping stones of your journey will start mapping out in your mind.

My journey truly started after I hit rock bottom in my life. It was the lowest, most painful, most humiliating moment of my life – and yet, when I look back I realize it was my greatest blessing. After “hitting rock bottom”, I found a book (well actually to be more accurate, the book found me) at a time when I was truly ready to grow from the inside out. It was a time when I decided that enough is enough and that there was more to life than this! The book is called “The Power is Within Me” by Louise Hay, and I highly recommend it as a stepping stone to anyone who is ready to experience positive change.

Now when I look back years later, I realize that I am still on that path. In fact, we are on that path together. I am not better than you, or further than you (and vice versa), but I have advanced in ways I never even dreamt of, say six years ago.That for me is a great achievement and it encourages me to continue my journey – wherever it may take me. What I am trying to say here is that my only competition and comparison is myself, and that is how you should view your journey.

Before I close off, I would like to share these very powerful and beautiful words that resonated with me whilst reading the book, “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill. I believe that these words should be the foundation of everyone’s journey of growth. They are as follows:

“I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth and justice. Therefore, I will engage in no transaction that does not benefit all whom it affects. I will succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I will induce others to serve me because of my willingness to serve others. I will eliminate HATRED, ENVY, JEALOUSY, SELFISHNESS and CYNICISM by developing LOVE for all humanity because I know a negative attitude towards others will never bring me success. I will cause others to believe in me, because I will believe in them, and in myself. I will sign my name to this formula…with full faith that it will gradually influence my thoughts and actions so that I will become a self-reliant and successful person.”

I am thankful and honored that you are joining me on this wonderful and exciting journey. Good luck!

PS – Feel free to share your story with me and any advice you may have on positive change. I would love to hear from you, after all – we are all changing, in the most positive way.

Notes to Self, with love Xx






I get things done – in the most effective and efficient manner possible.


What does this really mean?

This is an affirmation. You are telling yourself (and ultimately programming your conscious and subconscious mind) that you “get things done – in the most effective and efficient manner possible”.

Why is this so?

This blog and my daily Notes-to-Self posts on Instagram and Twitter are all about using the right words to talk to yourself. Whatever it is you are saying to yourself and whatever it is you are thinking about is ultimately what you become. Subsequently, your life becomes a reflection of what’s going on in your mind. This is more than just positive thinking and setting goals and working towards them – it’s about the step that comes before all of that – it’s about creating positive change within yourself before you set out to do anything else. This kind of change is not only effective but it lasts a lifetime.

In the second chapter of the book, “What to Say When You Are Talking to Your Self”, author Shad Helmstetter addresses the self-help phenomenon and its teachings of the “keys to success”. He points out why the solutions of these self-help books are temporary and why only a small percentage of the millions who have bought these books really achieve the kind of “success” that is promised. After a while, these books that promise to change your life become just another book on the shelf, collecting dust.

I for one was one of those people! I am a self-proclaimed self-help junkie. Whenever I go into a bookshop, or shop for books online, I somehow always gravitate towards the self-help section. I have hundreds of these books and yet it took me years to create my ideal life – and of course it is still a work in progress.

Why do you think that is? What is the point/key that these books haven’t addressed? Why is it that when we try to apply the teachings of these books, we last for a month or so (feeling renewed and motivated) and then go back to our old habits?

The answer is, that before we can create any positive change in our life, we must first create change from within, and as I mentioned before – it is the mind that dictates who we are and what life we have. This is the whole point behind the creation of Notes-to-Self – using words to reprogram your mind to create the life YOU want. It goes beyond positive thinking – because the results of positive thinking are temporary. It’s more like reprogramming your mind and creating a shift in your mind to change its perspective of you and of life. Old habits that are a result of old-programming and old beliefs can and will only be changed by constant positive self talk and repetition.

How can I apply this information to get the information I want?

Decide what kind of person you want to be. Smart, savvy, social, efficient, confident, healthy etc. YOU DECIDE who you want to be and what kind of person you want to be. I created the affirmation, “I get things done – in the most effective and efficient manner possible”, to counteract my old programming/ beliefs that were the contrary to this. My old programming was really starting to get in the way of carrying out my goals/ dreams!

You can do it too… create affirmations that are in line with the person you want to be and the life you want to live. Through constant repetition and application of these affirmations, they will eventually become who YOU are, as they will be imprinted into your subconscious and will come as second nature to you.Image

Be sure to follow ‘Notes to Self’ on Instagram – @notestoselfinsta and Twitter @notes_to_self_1.

Notes to Self, with love Xx

It is natural for me to get everything I want and need.


What does this really mean?

It means that you believe and are comfortable with the idea that it is your natural born right to get everything you want and need.

Why is this so?

How do you feel about getting what you really want and need? What is your underlying belief system? Do you believe that if you want/ need something and go towards getting it, that you will get it with ease and success? Or do you believe that the things you want and need are unattainable/ hard to get? Or maybe you believe that people like you just don’t get what they want in life!

Either way, whatever you believe and are comfortable with is ultimately the reality you have chosen.

As Louise Hay (motivational writer and founder of Hay House) put it, and I’m paraphrasing here – it is our natural-born right to get everything we want and need in life – whether its attention, love, care, true friends, the perfect partner, the perfect car, your dream home, an outfit, a trip and so on. When we are born, we come into this world screaming our lungs out, asking for attention, love and comfort. We are so loud when we do this, that people on the other side of the hospital can hear us – and we don’t care that they do! We continue to act this way throughout our childhood. We demand attention and demand to get what we want. We aren’t afraid to let people and the Universe know it. It was until people around us (parents, teachers, relatives etc) started telling us and imprinting in our belief system that we shouldn’t act like this if we want something, or that life doesn’t work that way, or that life is hard etc – basically telling us that it is not natural for us to get what we want and need. Once this idea was imprinted in our subconscious we naturally start attracting the same. What happens after that? Well, we stop asking for what we want, stop looking for it, and just accept what we are and have at that moment. For example, we stop asking for true love. We stop asking for attention. We stop believing that Universe is on our side, and start believing that it is against us. We basically become powerless and just accept whatever circumstances we are in.

When we are young we don’t understand this, but once you start become aware that your thoughts and beliefs have been a reflection of your entire life (and will continue to be in the future), you realize that you have the power to create change. It is only a belief and a belief can be changed.

How can I apply this information to get the results I want?

1. Work on changing on your belief about getting what you want and need. You can do this by using the following affirmations:

–          It is natural for me to get everything I want and need.

–          I get what I want and need with ease and success.

–          The Universe gives me what I want and need at the right place and the right time with ease and success.

–          Also, whenever you get a negative/ limiting thought in the process – create an affirmation that counteracts that thought. I.e. Your negative thought could be – “Who am I kidding? People like me don’t get what they want! They just don’t!” You can counteract that thought by affirming, “I am someone who deserves to get what I want and need and I get it with ease and success.”

You can say these affirmations to yourself, write them down, sing them in the shower, record them and play them over before you sleep. But know this, the more you expose yourself to these affirmations the quicker you reprogram your mind to believe what they say. So, you are responsible for making sure that you expose yourself as much as you can and in as many ways as you can. Once they are imprinted in your mind – they begin to naturally attract the same into your life. How magical.

2. Identify what you want/ need.

3. Take the necessary steps to get what you want/need. If you don’t know what to do, just do anything! Every small action counts and the Universe reacts with actions – for every action you receive a reaction. Make sure your actions are supercharged with positive emotions and a strong sense of belief that you are going to get what you want.

4. Open yourself up to receiving. Your new belief system will begin attracting more of what it believes now – and so energy wise you are functioning on a completely different, positive level. Also, support the idea that you are ready to receive by affirming, “I am open to receiving what I want and need from the Universe now. I get it with ease and success. I deserve it.”

5. Receive and feel amazing. 🙂

On a final note – please make sure that all your wants and needs are coming from a good and honest place and that these things will have a positive effect on your greater good. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for you (and subsequently your family, if you have one) and having the best of what life has to offer – in fact, it is your natural-born right! Just make sure that whatever you want/need doesn’t take away or hurt someone else in any shape or form. The Universe is always and forever on your side and as long as everything you do stems from goodness, you will always attract good karma. If it is not, then you will have to deal with bad karma, and there is nothing more powerful than the wrath of bad karma!

Having said that, I would like to close off with this affirmation from ‘Notes to Self” – “When everything I do stems from a good and honest place, I know that success and happiness are right around the corner”.

Be sure you are following ‘Notes to Self’ on Intsgram –  @notestoselfinsta and Twitter – @notes_to_self_1.

Notes to Self, with love Xx

The Universe is making it very easy for me to succeed…


What does this really mean?

It is the belief that the Universe is on your side – that it’s putting everything in the right place, at the right time so that you succeed, with ease.

Why is this so?

It is important to believe that the Universe is on your side and not against you.  Actually, this is your natural birth right! Here’s the problem though – as we were growing up, we had people (our parents, teachers, relatives, friends etc) telling us and making us believe that, “life is hard”, “life is just like that”, “life has to take a lot in order to give back”, “we have to suffer to get what we want out of life” etc.  Subsequently, our thoughts and beliefs attracted the same.

How can I apply this information to get results?

1 – Identify what your beliefs are about the Universe – if they are negative/ limiting thoughts and beliefs, please begin working on changing them immediately.

2 – The issue here is that these thoughts/ beliefs are stored in our subconscious brain – and it works very differently than our conscious brain. What is stored in our subconscious is ultimately what we are naturally attracting into our lives. That is why, the methodology we are going to use to change those thoughts and beliefs is more than just positive self talk – it’s the self-programming and imprinting of new (more accurate) thoughts/beliefs into our system. Once these thoughts/beliefs take on a subconscious level then you become a natural magnet for the things you want – including the successes you are striving for.

3 – Create your new way of thinking by changing the words you speak to yourself (you can write them to yourself and sing them to yourself – hey, whatever works for you!). For example, you can affirm the following:

“The Universe is kind and generous to me”

“The Universe is on my side”

“The Universe wants me to succeed”

“Thank you Universe!”

“The Universe is making it very easy for me to succeed”!

If there is a thought you want to change about your relationship with the Universe then by all means – you can create your own affirmations to counteract your current limiting/negative beliefs.

4 – Once you have instilled the right attitude and mindset – your new thoughts/ beliefs will generate new positive/ rejuvenated feelings. Subsequently, those feelings with push you to get what you want in life – i.e. it will make you take action and speak words that are in line with your end goal. In the end, you will get the results you are looking for – you just have to start off by knowing and believing that the Universe on your side – and its working its wonders so that you get what you want and deserve – with ease and success.

Be sure to follow ‘Notes to Self’ on Instagram – @yournotes_yourlife and Twitter – @notes_to_self_1.

Good luck and may the Universe be with you!

Notes to Self, with love Xx

I am willing to change…


1.       What does this really mean?

It is the willingness to implement positive change within ourselves by removing all our self-limiting qualities, beliefs, actions and barriers. In addition to this, we are ensuring that this change is quick, easy and carried out with confidence and peace of mind.

2.       Why is this so?

The only ‘limits’ we have in life are the ‘limits’ that we have created ourselves and/or inherited from our subconscious beliefs that have been ingrained in our minds as children.  Here is a simple breakdown of how our thoughts/beliefs aka “limits” affect our lives:

–          Your thoughts and beliefs generate feelings

–          Your feelings affect your actions (or lack of them) and the words you speak (or don’t speak). In addition to this, your feelings release certain energies into the universe (positive or negative) – this energy acts like a magnet – whatever you put out you get in return. I.e. positive energy attracts more positive circumstances to your life and negative energy attracts more negative circumstances to your life.

–          Your actions and words (or lack of them) or what you put out into the universe results in your life/ your manifestations. After all, your life is a direction reflection of your perception of it.

life cycle 4

In addition to removing all our self-inflicted limitations, we must also affirm and believe that this will be done quickly, easily, successfully and with confidence. If you believe that everything in life should be a struggle then that’s what life will give you — if you believe and affirm that what you do and what you want comes with ease and success then that’s what life will do for you.

3.       How can I apply this information to get the results I want?

This information is powerful; more importantly, it shows you just how powerful YOU truly are. You can apply it to every facet of your life – work, love, friendships, family, money, happiness – and the list goes on!

Before you go and try to change everything in your life – let’s start one step at a time. Choose one thing that you want to change – keep it specific. For example, there is a job that you want and for some reason you haven’t been able to get it – what can you do to ensure you do get it?

1 – Everything you do should start from a positive place. So, let’s start by assessing the positives – i.e. what you have working for you, your strengths. Look at all the qualities you have and the qualifications/ knowledge you possess that will enable you to get this job and be successful at it. List them and take a moment to be proud of them.

2 – Think about why you THINK you can’t get this job. This section is two-fold:

A – On one hand, you’ll find that there are the reasons imbedded in your mind that make you believe you can’t get the job. Those issues usually stem from low self-esteem.  Once you identify the issues, i.e. I’m not smart enough, I’m not worthy, people like me don’t get what they want in life Etc. and understand what your core limiting beliefs/ thoughts are, immediately start working on changing them. If you believe that you are not worthy, create a counter thought/affirmation – “yes, I am worthy.” If you believe you are not smart, create a counter thought/affirmation – “I am smart”. If you believe you are not a people person, create an affirmation of how you’d like to be able to act around people, “I am a people person – I know what to say, when to say it and how to say it to get the results I want, need and deserve from the people I deal with at work” and so on.

Also, please refer to my previous blog posts, “I am worthy”, “It is okay for me to have everything I want”, “My personal limitations are gone” and “I approve of myself”. The information under those posts is invaluable and really helps build your self-esteem and break down any personal limitations and barriers.

Sometimes, we really don’t know what our internal imitations are primarily because they are all locked up in our subconscious mind. If you are facing this issue – this tip may help you out. Once, I was asked to write a letter to my younger self in a writing class. I will never forget the letter that I wrote. It really took me back to when I was a child and I vividly imagined my older self consoling my younger self and giving her advice. It was priceless. It reminded me of the struggles I faced as I child, and made some of my underlying beliefs of life and myself resurface. Even though it was a writing assignment – it was very therapeutic and really put things into perspective. I began to understand why I had certain insecurities and where they stemmed from. From that moment on – I addressed those issues head on – and my gosh what a difference it made in my life. Try it.

B – On the other hand, there’s the practicality aspect. You need to identify the gap between you and your job and begin bridging the gap immediately!

Are you missing work experience, qualifications, information? If yes, go ahead and get what you need to be qualified for the job.

bridge the gap 2

YOU have to the power to have what you want and be whoever you want in life. There are no limitations.  Remove all your self-limiting qualities, beliefs, actions and barriers, quickly, easily and with confidence, identify what you want in life, bridge the gap and go get it!

Make sure you are following ‘Notes to Self’ on Instagram – @notestoselfinsta, Twitter – @notes_to_self_1 and Pinterest.

Notes to Self, with love Xx