It is natural for me to get everything I want and need.


What does this really mean?

It means that you believe and are comfortable with the idea that it is your natural born right to get everything you want and need.

Why is this so?

How do you feel about getting what you really want and need? What is your underlying belief system? Do you believe that if you want/ need something and go towards getting it, that you will get it with ease and success? Or do you believe that the things you want and need are unattainable/ hard to get? Or maybe you believe that people like you just don’t get what they want in life!

Either way, whatever you believe and are comfortable with is ultimately the reality you have chosen.

As Louise Hay (motivational writer and founder of Hay House) put it, and I’m paraphrasing here – it is our natural-born right to get everything we want and need in life – whether its attention, love, care, true friends, the perfect partner, the perfect car, your dream home, an outfit, a trip and so on. When we are born, we come into this world screaming our lungs out, asking for attention, love and comfort. We are so loud when we do this, that people on the other side of the hospital can hear us – and we don’t care that they do! We continue to act this way throughout our childhood. We demand attention and demand to get what we want. We aren’t afraid to let people and the Universe know it. It was until people around us (parents, teachers, relatives etc) started telling us and imprinting in our belief system that we shouldn’t act like this if we want something, or that life doesn’t work that way, or that life is hard etc – basically telling us that it is not natural for us to get what we want and need. Once this idea was imprinted in our subconscious we naturally start attracting the same. What happens after that? Well, we stop asking for what we want, stop looking for it, and just accept what we are and have at that moment. For example, we stop asking for true love. We stop asking for attention. We stop believing that Universe is on our side, and start believing that it is against us. We basically become powerless and just accept whatever circumstances we are in.

When we are young we don’t understand this, but once you start become aware that your thoughts and beliefs have been a reflection of your entire life (and will continue to be in the future), you realize that you have the power to create change. It is only a belief and a belief can be changed.

How can I apply this information to get the results I want?

1. Work on changing on your belief about getting what you want and need. You can do this by using the following affirmations:

–          It is natural for me to get everything I want and need.

–          I get what I want and need with ease and success.

–          The Universe gives me what I want and need at the right place and the right time with ease and success.

–          Also, whenever you get a negative/ limiting thought in the process – create an affirmation that counteracts that thought. I.e. Your negative thought could be – “Who am I kidding? People like me don’t get what they want! They just don’t!” You can counteract that thought by affirming, “I am someone who deserves to get what I want and need and I get it with ease and success.”

You can say these affirmations to yourself, write them down, sing them in the shower, record them and play them over before you sleep. But know this, the more you expose yourself to these affirmations the quicker you reprogram your mind to believe what they say. So, you are responsible for making sure that you expose yourself as much as you can and in as many ways as you can. Once they are imprinted in your mind – they begin to naturally attract the same into your life. How magical.

2. Identify what you want/ need.

3. Take the necessary steps to get what you want/need. If you don’t know what to do, just do anything! Every small action counts and the Universe reacts with actions – for every action you receive a reaction. Make sure your actions are supercharged with positive emotions and a strong sense of belief that you are going to get what you want.

4. Open yourself up to receiving. Your new belief system will begin attracting more of what it believes now – and so energy wise you are functioning on a completely different, positive level. Also, support the idea that you are ready to receive by affirming, “I am open to receiving what I want and need from the Universe now. I get it with ease and success. I deserve it.”

5. Receive and feel amazing. 🙂

On a final note – please make sure that all your wants and needs are coming from a good and honest place and that these things will have a positive effect on your greater good. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for you (and subsequently your family, if you have one) and having the best of what life has to offer – in fact, it is your natural-born right! Just make sure that whatever you want/need doesn’t take away or hurt someone else in any shape or form. The Universe is always and forever on your side and as long as everything you do stems from goodness, you will always attract good karma. If it is not, then you will have to deal with bad karma, and there is nothing more powerful than the wrath of bad karma!

Having said that, I would like to close off with this affirmation from ‘Notes to Self” – “When everything I do stems from a good and honest place, I know that success and happiness are right around the corner”.

Be sure you are following ‘Notes to Self’ on Intsgram –  @notestoselfinsta and Twitter – @notes_to_self_1.

Notes to Self, with love Xx