The Universe is making it very easy for me to succeed…


What does this really mean?

It is the belief that the Universe is on your side – that it’s putting everything in the right place, at the right time so that you succeed, with ease.

Why is this so?

It is important to believe that the Universe is on your side and not against you.  Actually, this is your natural birth right! Here’s the problem though – as we were growing up, we had people (our parents, teachers, relatives, friends etc) telling us and making us believe that, “life is hard”, “life is just like that”, “life has to take a lot in order to give back”, “we have to suffer to get what we want out of life” etc.  Subsequently, our thoughts and beliefs attracted the same.

How can I apply this information to get results?

1 – Identify what your beliefs are about the Universe – if they are negative/ limiting thoughts and beliefs, please begin working on changing them immediately.

2 – The issue here is that these thoughts/ beliefs are stored in our subconscious brain – and it works very differently than our conscious brain. What is stored in our subconscious is ultimately what we are naturally attracting into our lives. That is why, the methodology we are going to use to change those thoughts and beliefs is more than just positive self talk – it’s the self-programming and imprinting of new (more accurate) thoughts/beliefs into our system. Once these thoughts/beliefs take on a subconscious level then you become a natural magnet for the things you want – including the successes you are striving for.

3 – Create your new way of thinking by changing the words you speak to yourself (you can write them to yourself and sing them to yourself – hey, whatever works for you!). For example, you can affirm the following:

“The Universe is kind and generous to me”

“The Universe is on my side”

“The Universe wants me to succeed”

“Thank you Universe!”

“The Universe is making it very easy for me to succeed”!

If there is a thought you want to change about your relationship with the Universe then by all means – you can create your own affirmations to counteract your current limiting/negative beliefs.

4 – Once you have instilled the right attitude and mindset – your new thoughts/ beliefs will generate new positive/ rejuvenated feelings. Subsequently, those feelings with push you to get what you want in life – i.e. it will make you take action and speak words that are in line with your end goal. In the end, you will get the results you are looking for – you just have to start off by knowing and believing that the Universe on your side – and its working its wonders so that you get what you want and deserve – with ease and success.

Be sure to follow ‘Notes to Self’ on Instagram – @yournotes_yourlife and Twitter – @notes_to_self_1.

Good luck and may the Universe be with you!

Notes to Self, with love Xx

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